Monday, August 29, 2011

Cat Breeds - Siamese Cats - Pet Insurance Health

To own a beautiful cat and lovely dream is one of the nurses for cats or cat owners is, unfortunately cats are beautiful and gorgeous and very famous for it's very expensive, but the lovers of cats are not at all thinking about any price, which is an important cat he could have had and loved.

There is a good care for cats and there is less good, too, if we can't take care of him how the fate of our cat, a cat we can ill or dying, it's very unfortunate, as we have lost our cat. so your cat can treated properly should you every week or once a month, you can check the health of others or check on your cat, if you do not have a cost that is enough, you can use the health insurance, you can visit the animals at the Centre you embed these shares, hopefully you feel lighter with the Pet Health Insurance, many health insurance for you living in the UK or USA, you can get straight to the Centre or you can contact the call center, or the other try you around town and find animal health insurance, certainly in the area such as Los Angles or New York lot availability there. If you live in the UK you can visit him in city Birmingham, MU, Chelsea, or in Blackburn. that's all I can give to the solution.

Cat Breeds, Siamese Cats, Pet Insurance Health
Siamese Cats -Cat Breeds

Siamese cats are a popular type of house cats make great pets because of their attractive appearance and pleasant temperament.

Cat Breeds, Siamese Cats, Pet Insurance Health
Siamese Cats -Cat Breeds Image
Siamese hail in southeastern Thailand, formerly known as Siam. In ancient times was a real recognition and can seen in the palaces of kings to power. It said that the task spirits.and the protection of buildings against evil and bring luck to their respective owners.

Cat Breeds, Siamese Cats, Pet Insurance Health
Siamese Cats -Cat Breeds Image
Has been from the late nineteenth century, the Siamese cat breed is the first trip to the West. 18, 884 people were add to the source as a gift to a British general. Shortly after they began to relocated because of the popularity and quickly America.Their Siamese are among the top three most popular breeds of cat, short hair.

Cat Breeds, Siamese Cats, Pet Insurance Health
Siamese Cats -Cat Breeds Pretty
So what are the characteristics of a Siamese cat? Since cats often outside their racing pedigree, it is often difficult to distinguish a true Siamese. But in general, we see a light body color with dark areas around the base of the face or legs tail.Siamese have clear eyes, which are inclined as a rule, one of the biggest clues to identification of race.

As a rule, are a very sturdy breed, with a round head and a muscular, weighing between 60-20 pounds. They are one of the cat breeds, the most fun, and it is one of the reasons for its enduring popularity.

Siamese cats love to play, make noise and are generally more social than other breeds of cats.

Although I'm pretty independent, but I can also be very demanding both. Unlike many other cats, sometimes requiring constant attention or they somehow seek to entertain. They love to play and I'm tired of being alone in peace.

Cat Breeds, Siamese Cats, Pet Insurance Health
Siamese Cats -Cat Breeds Five Kitten Siamese
Fortunately, the idea can very high maintenance emotional, they do not have much that the government and often cleaning.Every Pls them a bath and even soft brush at least once a month, but other than that very little else in the way of governance. Short hair is kept very little maintenance to keep them in good condition.

If your cat is healthy with good food and the amount of exercise you can expect a long life. Healthy Living Siamese with an average of 15 to 20 years. Of course you should take him to the vet for regular monitoring, but beyond this form we can expect a long and fruitful life with your pet.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Kittens Cat Ragdoll - Cat Breeds Favorite

Kittens Cat Ragdoll,cat ragdoll, Cat Breeds Favorite
Beautiful Hairless Cat Ragdoll
There are reasons why cats are one of the most popular species in the world. They are soft and attractive enough to stroke. Ragdoll kittens are all the more remarkable affection as one of the cat breeds. Resource persons recognized for their peace, what a contrast with temperament of most breeds of cats may have realized.

Kittens Cat Ragdoll,cat ragdoll, Cat Breeds Favorite
Baby Cats Ragdoll - Cat Breeds

That nature is more like a faithful dog than a cat. That says a lot, especially because these cats have the energy that is usually a lost dog. They love to work with people, so for those who enjoy time with their pets, are ideal.

Kittens Cat Ragdoll,cat ragdoll, Cat Breeds Favorite
Image Kitten Cat Ragdoll
They considered suitable, because their children have discovered that it was as playfulness. Families animals because, and because its quiet, it's easier for them to work children. Older people with limited mobility can enjoy equally enjoy their time.

Kittens Cat Ragdoll,cat ragdoll, Cat Breeds Favorite
Cat Ragdoll

Could one of these cats follow their owners around and are incredibly loyal. You are greeted at the door and painting in bed during sleep. If you try to work, but try to stop him. According to the owner, but could not so excited. Gentleness and curiosity, what Ragdoll kitten.

This should serve as a painting is more energetic as a kitten and as an adult is that all cats Ragdoll be. Raising a puppy also affect how it behaves for the rest of his life, and that goes for Ragdoll cats.

Photo Cat Ragdoll Beautiful

If the kitten had a good education, to increase the typical features Cat Ragdoll in color. These cats were also more niche products to large and muscular, and is generally good for all children learn to perceive. These cats relaxed are less likely to flee or attack. Cats are great and can handle it too difficult.

Photos Ragdoll Cats - Cat Pretty Breeds

Long hair should treat regularly to avoid confusion and too difficult to marry with ease. The cat can enjoy the comfort and if you are trained to P's. In fact, many valid Airways underlined when his hair with his hand.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Cat Breeds - Persia Cats Pretty

Cat Breeds, Persia Cats Pretty, treatments cats

Have you ever had a cat that is nice and has water on the shelf? Well, you know you are a Persian cat breed has a stocky, muscular legs and a face looking out with his fists. They love it, of those cats and people who do not like to loved to love cats.

Cat Breeds, Persia Cats Pretty, treatments cats
Big Persia Cat - White Persia Cat Breeds

Persian cats are still classified as families, some differences in their properties. If you look closely, that not only the color of their hair is different, but there are other differences. When it comes to the chinchilla some characteristics that separate them from other races a.

Cat Breeds, Persia Cats Pretty, treatments cats
Big Persia Cat - White Persia Cat Breeds
The cat Chinchilla Club in 08 of these cats was launched, the source of Paul exported to the United States. If you do cattery in the hand, and you must sure that a Chinchilla Persian cat, the only way is to change the color of their fur and to check the region, where there is a difference. In fact, the change of hair color. For example, a black Persian cat breed only one seventh of his black hair.

In general, a Persian cat and a chinchilla coat of pure white hair on the back of a head, tail and sides are black, warned that emits a characteristic of a layer of shiny silver. The legs of these cats may sometimes be slightly speckled with black lace and chin, tuffs ears, chest and belly are always pure white.

Cats get a fascinating look with dark circles under the eyes, and it seems that you wear eye makeup. The nose and lips have a sketch of the blacks.

The hands of the Silver Shadow cats have other purposes than the hair color that they cast a shadow effect. Do you want to see attractive colors from blue to violet, chocolate. Looking both silver shaded chinchilla and the former has more hair (in shadow). Jackets are a wonderful mix of colors, so that more nuanced than you might think.

Cat Breeds, Persia Cats Pretty, treatments cats
Blue Persia Cat Breeds

There are cats different colors in their underlying mantle, which is absolutely beautiful and pleasing to the eye and the right color of gold. There is also a race called the Cameo Persian with some suggestions on their red coats.

Cat Breeds, Persia Cats Pretty, treatments cats
Persian Chinchilla Cat

The eyes are the ones that are characterized by chinchilla. All chinchilla golden, shaded, shaded and silver Cameo Persian cats have eyes that are green or blue or green. There is a small gap between the shade of gold and the rest of them on the color of those involved. While the shadow of the golden rings around the eyes and nose are brown in the rest of them beautiful, dark rings around the eyes and nose.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Cat Breeds - Cats British Short hair

Cat Personality

If you are looking for a cat raiding the refrigerator and swung dramatically from the chandeliers, the Cats British Short hair is not for you. The Cats British are calm, balanced, kittens are introduced with a "typical British reserve, particularly Paul." If they are no longer in awe of the first, however, are extremely loyal companions. Cats British Short hair niche push their loyalty to his family to select and not someone to be loyal. British Short hair breeders describe the British as cats like to keep a low profile, but not sticky sweet and loving as a cat in-your-face. Niche more and more independent, and if they can on their updates left usually adapt quite well.

Cat Breed Traits

As the American Cats British Short hair is known for its health and strength. The breed is robust in design, compact and powerful, with a round face and big head. The head design is the race of other races by Domestic Short Hair develops. A very dense, short, soft blanket for the fulfillment the British Short hair important. The hair feels solid, like sinking your fingers into the company known as velvet. The coat is double-sided or woolly, making it easier to follow, but regular maintenance is important. Although blue is the most common, the British Short hair comes in a variety of colors and patterns.

History - British Shorthair Cat Breed?

Cat Breeds, history cats, Cats British Short hairThe British Short hair is the British in the same way as the American Short hair is America, there has recently been transported from elsewhere. However, the ancestor of the British probably the oldest British breeds of cats and of course, is traveling to Britain centuries before his nephew on a trip to the New World.

The ancestor was a common way to Great Britain chat, urged the European Short hair. This breed (whose shape is very different from the British program that you see in theaters now) arrived in England around 2000 years ago, thanks to the Empire "novel. The Romans, the cats and rodents, domestic cat short hair breed delivery to Northern Europe , and finally their provinces outside the British Isles.

For centuries, these colors are stable in the alleys and barns Great Britain's. Helped in the late 1800-cat-lover Harrison Weir, for his contributions to the emerging world of well-known chat with the founding of the breed was officially recognized as a British short hair. Through his efforts, British Shorthair, human resources in the England first cat show at Crystal Palace in London, and quickly became popular with the British Cat Fancy.

Near the end of the century, drew the attention the cat with long hair and exotic British Shorthair fancy lost its popularity. But the British held their own until the chaos of the Second World War the breed (and in many European and other races) decimated.

After the war for the preservation the British Shorthair breeder permission of the British Council of the Cat Fancy for crossbreeding with other breeds of cats during the cat British gene pool dedicated to reconstruction. Persians were the people from within existing resources in the lines and short-haired breeds have recorded as the Carthusians and contacts. These efforts transformed the United Kingdom in its present form: a large, powerful mini-teddy bear with a full, round face and a provision Placid.

American cat-lover, a number of British short hair observed until 1960, and it was not recognized until 1970 ACFA that obsolete British Shorthair blue (Blue British) called. (Blue was and still is, the color is more common than in Britain rose because of the large number of Persians and Chartreuse in the blue blood lines after the war.)

The race is slow to supporters in the United States, 1970-1980, the Association Agreement with the British in the other imaginary cat in North America.

Copyright © 1998 by Barron's Educational Series, Inc. based on

Cat Breeds, history cats, Cats British Short hair

Hairless Cat Breeds - Need Health Insurance Treatment Cats

When people use the term niche (hairless cat breeds), to hear, they think more than the color was completely bald. That is not true because this type of paint is actually a thin layer of hair on his body.

Hairless Cat Breeds, Health Insurance Treatment Cats
Although these cats have less hair than other cats, does not mean that a breed of hypoallergenic cats. The people are allergic to a protein found in the saliva of a cat and not her.
Hairless Cat Breeds, Health Insurance Treatment Cats

One of the most famous is the hairless Sphinx cat. In Toronto, in 1963 became a source of litter, she was born without discovered. A breeding program began with these kittens, but has put stopping at the end of 1970. In 1978, the last breeding pair sent to the Netherlands, but no nests. Puppies born without hair on natural mutations have selected for the Devon Rex cat - a cat with almost no hair. This is a new interest in the Sphinx, and now this cat breed is to paint for the conduct of fans around the world recognized.

One of them is the strange breed cat Peterbald elegant appearance of the Siamese, but without the hair. The sexy and hairy : the level of the painting divided into two groups. WHO kitten falls in the class was not born naked, his mustache and eyebrows, and remains so for life.

These cats need special care and treatment. Ideally, they should kept as indoor cats. If there is possibility of a friendly sun cream should applied to burns.
Hairless Cat Breeds, Health Insurance Treatment Cats

In the colder months, must protected from the cold. This can done through the cages and tunnels or wearing fur cat in a fluffy bathrobe.

This is a breed of cat that really needs a bath. Since it does not absorb hair oil to the skin, oily skin and breeders recommend a bath twice a week on the skin in good condition. If the tank of this kind of color, quality veterinary medicinal products (shampoo not human!) To use and make sure there are no drafts. Dry the paint with a soft towel.

Before you get a cat to think about the care and treatment they need. You should able to secure a commitment that the hairless cat to healthy and happy.
Hairless Cat Breeds, Health Insurance Treatment Cats

People, the cats in all shapes and sizes, but the cat breeds love. Informed about the different breeds of cats and their needs to make sure that you and your cat a mutually beneficial relationship.

You should also have an insurance for the animals, if a later you can't afford it or not was to finance the cat without fur, you can use animal health insurance, you may need it, because insurance could cut your cat care, pet health insurance can even better to keep the cat always looks good and healthy.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Cat Breeds - Bombay Cats

Cat Personality

If a deviation is an independent cat, what you want, this cat breed is not for you. Cat Bombay, are connected to their families and growing niche in the family than a romantic relationship with someone. The fans Cat Bombay; say they are very good with children.

They want constant attention, even if it nice and polite in their attempts to convey your message is. When you sit down, do not be surprised to find your Cat Bombay sitting next to you moments later. Curious and intelligent, how to play Bombay cats, but are not as turbulent as some breeds. In general, they are not as loud as the oriental breeds.

Cat Breed Traits

Black to the roots, invites caresses the skin of "Cat Bombay" with its refined structure and shimmering satin like (painting) Sheen. Cats Bombay developed slowly, shining in their eyes and skin color and four months after they are. Some potential buyers are becoming more niche think that the kittens are very common. Cat Bombay's, like a fine wine, seems to improve with age.

History - Bombay Cat Breed?

The Bombay in 1950 by the late Nikki Horner, an American breeder, who's had the shape of Burma wanted to paint, but formed with a shiny black coat and copper eyes instead of brown fur and yellow eyes, a kind of Panther PT companies. He named the breed after Bombay, India, land of the black leopard. He first tried a female Burmese to a black American Shorthair reproduce. The disappointing results were as human resources, but rather worse than any other American Shorthair.

For his second attempt Horner chose his cat breeders and accurate. You look around until you find a black American Shorthair male eye color was formed to get rich and they wanted one of his best Burmese champion. After much trial and error, finally, was the result of Horner looking for a cat with short glossy coat and conformation Shorthair Burmese Americans and copper-colored eyes and black.

The creation of a race, even if the strike of Bombay, the fantasy of painting, but. Horner noted that Burmese breeders' associations have the resources and issues were the color is not too ready to assume her new baby on the block. Since the race was not accepted by the World Cup champion has not Horner cats the attention of the public acquisition of the color.

It was not until 1970 that the breed was accepted for registration by the CFA. Promote the inclusion a provisional state Horner will be at least one club race and 100 are copies of the breed. Eighteen years later, Horner began his efforts, the race was to take part in championship classes, the first May 1976. Although still rare (in 1996, the CFA has registered only 91), race has a loyal following.

Copyright © 1998 by Barron's Educational Series, Inc. based on

Cat Breeds - Birma Cats

Cat Personality

Cat Breeds, history Birma CatsBurmese companions are loving, gentle and loyal with the dignity the water, inviting the worship of their human companion seems to be. Like the ancient temple Cats Birma seem to have adoration Burmese used. They are very intelligent and affectionate, as fans, and very oriented to the people. They are usually welcome guests with curiosity, not fear.

Because of their gentle temperament, the Burmese are easy to manage and process displays, and make ideal pets (Cat Birma) for those seeking peace and fellows who want love and affection in exchange for some "well-deserved adoration.

Cat Breed Traits

Cat Breeds, history Birma CatsBurmese perfectly with white gloves to the end of Paws event in front of or between the second and third joints of the leg. Feet on the back, must cover all the gloves and toes can spread over the gloves on the front legs. Gloves should be extended to the heel and the area is on top. Ideally, the laces end in a point or vice versa (V) and the expansion the half to three-quarters of the rise of the heel. Latsch symmetry is desirable. Ideally, the gloves must fit in front of the case of gambling, gaming and new gloves and laces. Burma, however, get good gloves thorn in the paw of each Burmese breeder.

Burma are born pure white, then develop the color points. The shading of the legs is if the waiting time is anxious for the marking of gloves, a Burmese breeder show because the characters are too perfect Gloves of the most difficult. The gene for dominant white gene is the reason of identification, which is very difficult to control.

History - Birman cat breed?

According to an ancient legend, pure white cats lived in the Buddhist temples in the country of Burma (now Myanmar), and human resources have revered as the cat carrier, the souls of priests who had left the mortal plane. (The end of this process is the conversion, which means from one form to another.) Goddess of transmutation, Tsim-Kyan-CFE worshiped in these temples, represented by a golden statue with the brilliant sapphire eyes.

Mun-Ha, a priest and worshipers Tsim-Kyan-CFE, served in the temple of Lao-Tsun. Every night, lived a faithful companion Sinh Mun Ha, one of the 100 white cats in the Holy Temple, Ha Mun to his prayer the night before the image of gold.

One day the Marauders from Siam attacked the temple in its richness and met Mun-Ha. As Mun-Ha was dying, his paws on the Sinh Mun-Ha's head and front of the statue of Tsim-Kyan-CFE.

Suddenly, the white coat Sinh turned into gold, his face, tail and legs darken the color of earth, and his eyes change from yellow to deep blue sapphire. Sinh paws remained white as a symbol of pure spirit Mun-Ha. The next morning, all the cats of the temple under the same transformation. For the next 7 days Sinh refused all food and eventually died, shall Mun-Ha was the spirit in the sky.

The modern and scientific history of the breed, also known as Holy cat of Burma, beginning in 1919, came a few Burmese Paul in France. Two different accounts associated with this pair of cats and, as the legend, no account documented. The first is that at the turn of the twentieth century, the temple of Tsim-Kyan-CFE was again searched. Two westerners, Auguste Pavie and Major Gordon Russell, has allowed some priests and sacred cats of her flight to Tibet. When the two returned to France in 1919 the human resources, made a pair of Birman cats priest grateful.

In the second story, less romantic, a man named Mr. Vanderbilt bought a pair of Burmese angered by an employee of the temple of Lao-Tsun.

In both accounts, was the hangover, Maldapour, who died on the voyage to France, but the female, Sita, pregnant Maldapour in France? S descendants, and became the foundation the European Burmese breed.

The race has prospered and in 1925 Burma was officially recognized in France and the first standard was written. The breed was developed and refined in this country in the chaos of World War II, Pls almost extinct. Reduced to a point Birman race for a single pair of cats.

With careful crossing, has been restored in Burma and Burma in 1955 was exported to England. The resource persons were officially classified as thoroughbred racing in Great Britain recognized in 1966.

In 1959, the couple United States of Burma, and in 1967 the breed was officially recognized in America. Since then, Burma has prospered in the United States and is on his way to a race, popular and famous.

Copyright © 1998 by Barron's Educational Series, Inc. based on

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Cat Breeds - Balinese Cat

Cat Personality

Balinese cats Pretty
Balinese cats are smart, sweet and fun to be together. Like the Siamese, they are known for their ability to vocally communicate sometimes known non-stop, and this breed is not for everyone. High social, are Balinese sensitive to your moods and feelings and are more than ready to cheer you happy with a little chatter, if you are feeling gloomy.

They are agile and Leapers is too often on the shoulders of their people to ride. They love to play and easy to learn, to get kills, throwing the ball or toy back to repeatedly. They will keep you entertained with their antics, but have a caring attitude as well. They can be quite assertive in their applications to breed the attention, but also own a special dignity, especially for the Balinese and Siamese.

Cat Breed Traits

Balinese cats (bed)
The Balinese people should be not with the Himalayas, which bears the pointed Siamese pattern of his ancestors, but has the body style and personality of the Persian are confused. Today's show Siamese Balinese resembles the extreme, which is popular in today's exhibition hall instead of the traditional Siamese-born, that his comeback is among lovers. The Balinese, a longhaired version of the traditional Siamese, recognized by traditional Cat Association and although not popular in the halls, has a growing following of breeders.

The Cat Balinese is only in the four traditional Siamese point-restricted colors: seal, blue, chocolate, lilac, and, if the CFA Association of your choice. Other organizations recognize the Balinese cat in the colors red, cream, tortoiseshell (a mixture of black and red or their dilute colors, as well as tabby) and lynx (tabby) points. In the CFA, but cats are called Javanese in those colors.

History - Balinese cat breed?

Longhaired kittens began appearing spontaneously in the early 1900s in otherwise shorthaired Siamese litters. Some fanciers theorize that the gene for long hair was introduced into the Siamese gene pool in Europe after World War I. Since the Siamese was nearly obliterated as a European breed by the war (as were other breeds), breeders may have used other breeds after the war's end to help rejuvenate the bloodline.

Other fanciers believe that the gene for the long hair is simply a naturally occurring mutation, which is also certainly possible. Both theories have been disputed and both have their reputable proponents, but no one really knows for sure which theory is correct. In earlier years, the words 'natural mutation' appeared in the CFA breed standard, but that wording has since been dropped.

A Siamese with long hair was registered with CFF in 1928, but no one began a serious effort to establish the breed until the 1940s. At that time, several breeders began working with the longhaired cats born in purebred Siamese litters.

These longhaired individualists were named Balinese cat by one of the breed's pioneers, Helen Smith, who likened the cat's graceful movements and sleek lines to those of the dancers from the Isle of Bali. Despite resistance from Siamese breeders, many of whom didn't believe that the Balinese's longer hair was a natural mutation, dedicated breeders like Helen Smith and Sylvia Holland worked to develop the breed.

In the early days, the Balinese cat often had heavier boning and heavier coats than the standard called for, and frequently fell short of meeting the standard in head type and ear set as well. Hampered by the Siamese breeders who wouldn't sell top-quality breeding stock to them, the Balinese cat breeders struggled to refine the body type by crossbreeding back to the Siamese. After years of frustrating work, the Balinese cat improved in type. By 1970, when the CFA granted Championship, all the major United States associations recognized the Balinese.

Copyright © 1998 by Barron's Educational Series, Inc. based on

Cat Breeds - Bengal Cats

Cat Personality

Cat Breeds - Bengal CatsBengal may look like a wild cat, but breeders that the Bengal cat is a kind of gentle and docile as a house cat true. Bengals fans, the cats as playful, sociable, energetic and have to describe a good dose of curiosity and cats want to be involved with their families. The water does not scare you, sometimes take the family to swim, because it is on their terms.

Although cats to show quality, or four generations (F4), leopard cat, down from earlier generations of Bengal as pets, so it is important to know what you are getting the acquisition of Bengal Cats Pls. For a second generation (F2) or third generation (F3) of Bengal, make sure the color is missing character problem.

Cat Breed Traits

Cat Breeds - Bengal CatsBengal spots are more horizontal than in a random configuration or striped aligned. Rosettes in an arc around a red center is the next most preferred. The emphasis on the contrast between the spots and the background color, the edges are sharp and clean design to paint for a show quality. The marbling, the markers are derived from genes marbled, but the general appearance is random, what impression of marble.

Bengals often have a gene, the fake dress is iridescent light, and with hot ice. Three recessive coat variations have been developed: the snow leopard, marble, marble and snow. These species are still relatively rare.

History - Bengal cat breed?

The Bengal breed was created as a hybrid of man-made Asian leopard cat and domestic cat. The leopard (Felis bengalensis) is a cat-size population of South Asia and is considered one of the most modern types of cats in the nature of the common ancestor of the cat family.

The Bengal is a domestic cat, except for older eyes, pause, distinctive mustache, long legs and bright spots of the leopard. In fact, it looks like a miniature leopard. Bengal began his journey into a recognized breed in 1963, Paul breeder Jean Mill of Covina, Calif., has bought a female leopard cat from a pet. At that time, the leopard cat be purchased in the United States, but today it is illegal to sell them. He was not trying to create a new breed of cat to a single wild animal.

A few years later, Mill thought that the cat seemed to be alone, so she has a cat in a cage to keep him company. They did not expect a romantic relationship, but surprisingly produces Mills in 1965, the leopard his cat litter.

A kitten from the litter survived, a hybrid female named Kin-Kin mill. Moulin contact Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine in Ithaca, New York, for advice on how to manage the hybrid was, and probably at no cost, Kin Kin was infertile. This proved to be wrong. Chin-Chin and his father developed and produced two kittens. One was black and had inherited the temperament of the wild leopard cat, denied approaching anyone. The other, a man has seen, has inherited the sweetness of a house. After careful consideration, decided to become one of the intersections of the mill, that the situation in the leopard cat to reproduce claim. Mill was dismayed by the situation of orphaned leopard cat boy by hunters and sold to American pet stores. Generally cats in zoos Paul ended the pups have grown to maturity and restoration of their wild ways. Mill was found for the American market with an acceptable substitute.

In the first breeding of leopard short hair cat, kitten infertile men have human resources, as is the case with many hybrids. Women were the personnel resources, the human resources normally fertile males and young animals in subsequent generations. But many of these pups have grown with the temperament of the first hybrid cat nerves is uncertain, similar to their wild relatives. Only after the cats were the source person several generations away from the leopard cat has become predictable temperament Bengals.

The standard for the Bengal, unlike other breeds of cats, including a description of the ideal temperament of the cat, he described it as a. Sure, attentive, curious and friendly Any sign of a challenge disqualifies the color to avoid the problems of temperament must be maintained in the breed. This policy requires some cats Bengal's have a high at least four generations to ensure a docile temperament.

However, a number of associations of Bengal is still is as the party crashers in the cat fancy cocktail. The CFA does not accept, the savage races in the blood, and only five organizations (TICA, CCA, UFO, TCA, and CFF) let the Bengals to display. Bengals CCAC accepts registration but not in bedrooms allows you to play because of concerns about the temperament of the breed. Reported concerns include extreme shyness, aggressiveness (Invite Several judges resource problems), and a basic distrust of humans and animals.

Copyright © 1998 by Barron's Educational Series, Inc. based on

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Cat Breeds - American Wirehair Cat

Cat Personality

Cat Breeds - American Wirehair Cat, historyWirehairs are cat people, eager to human attention and love. They are active, not over, and affectionate without being stuck. They showed keen interest in their surroundings, in every aspect of your day of participation, with a room with you from room to keep the proceedings in the eye. Fanciers say, they seem particularly with their families feel out place, and try to give comfort and companionship of family members when they choose to feel blue. When they opened the rolling, sitting around them, to give support.

Such as cats, Wirehairs have a real sense of humor, like to be the center of attention. Agile and fun-loving, they like to play the clown, generally more playful than the American Shorthair and positive.

Cat Breed Traits

Cat Breeds - American Wirehair Cat, historyThe fur is different from the Cornish Rex coat in the Wirehair has all three hair types. Even the Wirehair gene dominant, unlike the Cornish and Devon Rex, recessive genes. The Wirehair the hairs crimped, hooked, or bent, resulting in a thick, elastic layer, which leads to the ringlet formation and not waves. Breeders British geneticist Roy Robinson sent samples of hair and he concluded that all three types of hairs (down, awn, and guard) twisted. Currently, there are significant differences in texture and length of the individual layers. The most preferred coat is short, very tight and rough grip.

History - The American Wirehair Cat Breed?

Like the American Curl breed, the Wirehair started as a spontaneous mutation in the domestic cat population. In 1966 breeder Joan O'Shea acquired from a small farm in upstate New York a kitten that was 'just a hair different'. As a breeder of Rex breeds, O'Shea recognized that the scruffy-looking red and white bicolor male kitten might represent a new breed of cat.

Council Rock Farm Adam of Hi-Fi, the kitten's given name, was later bred to the neighbor's straight-coated cat, which also had come from the farm. The breeding produced two more Wirehairs, which O'Shea bought and named Abby and Amy.

O'Shea sold Amy to Rex breeders Bill and Madeline Beck, who became instrumental in helping the breed achieve notice in the cat fancy. Amy gave birth to a number of Wirehairs, including a cat named Barberry Ellen, the first homozygous Wirehair to be born.

In 1967 the Becks petitioned the CFA to accept Wirehairs for registration. The petition was granted. The breed went on to achieve CFA Championship status in 1978.

Since the breed sprang from the domestic cat population, O'Shea felt that the standard should reflect the American Shorthair's conformation with a specific standard written for the coat. Since then, the standards have changed slightly to reflect changes that appeared in subsequent litters.

O'Shea stopped working with the breed around 1970; the Becks did not work with the breed for much longer, either. Since then, a handful of breeders, judges, and exhibitors have kept the Wirehair breed going, and have also worked to improve the original body style by selectively breeding for a more American Shorthair type. Currently, the numbers are limited. In 1995 only 74 Wirehairs were registered with the CFA. Waiting lists can be long and prices high.

While the breed seems to be entirely 'made in America', research indicates that the mutation may have occurred before. Cats with coats similar to the Wirehair apparently were seen in derelict bomb sites in London after World War II. Two of these cats were apparently exhibited in the pet category at the National Cat Club show in Britain two years before the Wirehair appeared on the American scene. Whether the American Wirehair somehow comes from the same gene pool or if these were two similar spontaneous mutations that took place in two different areas of the world is something we may never know.

Copyright © 1998 by Barron's Educational Series, Inc. based on

Monday, August 22, 2011

Cat Breeds - Cat American Short Hair

Cat Personality

Cat Breeds - American Short Hair
Cat American ShortHair
When describing the American Short hair, the expression "compromise" springs, in my mind. These cats throughout the United States is of medium size, set up, type and temperament; neither too much nor little, not too cute, not so far, neither the couch potato, not hyperactivity. Breeders should be noted that the United States, short hair is perfect for people who want a cat, like in your legs, but not breeding in your face. American Short hair is known for their quiet voices and adaptable personality; their sociable, easily trained and adapt well to other animals and children. They generally do not like tobe picked up by the pilgrims as they leave England to find an independent companion, who cherish their freedom.

As the American Short hair cat history as a work, they make health, strength and vitality of the great companions. With proper care of Americans to enjoy long life, generally 15 to 20 years.

Cat Breed Traits

Cat Breeds - American Short Hair
Cat American ShortHair Child
American short hair is known as a healthy, hardy varieties, there is little genetic defect, not because of the domestic stock market is not surprising from Hardy developed varieties. A larger gene pool, to help keep up a healthy breed. Standards emphasize that the United States, short hair, and an autopsy should any part of it be should be exaggerated to promote the weakness of "real work cat breed."

The most dramatic and best known color is silver tabby, more than one-third of American Short hair to show the color. Brilliant silver background of the black markings, patterns are dynamic and memorable.

History - American Shorthair Cat Breed?

In the 370 or so years that American Shorthairs have inhabited this continent, the environment, and more recently, human-controlled breeding, have shaped them into their present form. Shorthaired domestic cats arrived in America with the Europeans. Evidence indicates that several cats may have sailed over from England aboard the Mayflower in 1620. Upon arrival, these felines became working cats in the barns and fields of the early Americans. Years of natural selection turned them into a strong, hardy breed of dependable temperament.

With the import of foreign breeds, however, the original American Shorthair bloodlines became diluted. In the early 1900s a group of breeders began a selective breeding program to preserve the natural beauty, mild temperament, and hardiness of the American Shorthair. Acceptance in the show ring was a long time coming for the American Shorthair. As late as the 1960s American Shorthairs were treated like the strays of the cat fancy.

Breeders also battled confusion between their carefully bred American Shorthairs and random-bred domestic cats. While a non-pedigreed domestic cat may look like a pedigreed American Shorthair, the mix of uncertain genes means that the domestic generally will not breed true; you cannot count on type, temperament, and length of hair as you can with a purebred American Shorthair.

The first American Shorthair to be registered in this country was an orange tabby male named Belle that ironically was imported from England in the early 1900s. It wasn't until 1904 when the first American-born American Shorthair (named Buster Brown) was registered under the breed name of Shorthair.

Later, the breed was renamed Domestic Shorthair, and in 1965 the breeders voted to change the name again, this time to the American Shorthair. The same year, CFA named a silver tabby male (Shawnee Trademark) Best Cat, and the breed finally began to receive some hard-earned respect in the cat fancy. Today, American Shorthairs are playing at show rings everywhere, and earning their due share of admiration and rosettes.

Copyright © 1998 by Barron's Educational Series, Inc. based on

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Cat Breeds - American Curl Cat

Cat Breeds - American Curl Cat
American Curl Cat Pretty

Cat Curl Personality

Cat Breeds - American Curl Cat
American Curl Cat Bandana
There are whimsical ear hair, so that they have other attractive pet quality. They are the people's cats do not show any shape detached and did not harass people to pay attention to some of the varieties of affection. They like to live in the shoulder, pat nuzzled and love the people face. Curly hair is a "taking" of the species, easy to teach to play extracts, and never lost their love of play. They also pointed out that their affinity with children.

Although not as active Abyssinian, American curly hair cute and vitality. They also show the typical cat curiosity and hope is correct, a survey in any changes in their environment.

Cat Breed Traits

Birth, curly kittens looks like any other kitten, but 1-7 days of the ears tobe more firm, and began to plump up and curve back. As the degree of curl can change much in the short-term, kittens should not buy until they are between four and four and a half months, when the ear to curl it settles down for the cat's life forms. Rex takes two to three years to reach maturity.

The degree of ear curl can vary from 90 to 180 degrees, or bachelor's degree show's third most-favored-curl. Should not be curled ears, touch back of the head, but it led to disqualification, and no ears, lack of firm cartilage, its height from the base to at least one-third.

History American Curl Cat Breed?

While some new cat species have a difficult time, accepted cat, curled purred to the judges and the United States in a surprisingly short time the cat lover's heart, his way. This variety originated in June 1981 in the domestic cat population as a spontaneous gene mutation. By 1986, its recognized as the two largest cat registration.

Two ears of a cat curled arrived in 1981, cat lover Grace Ruga in Lakewood, California's doorstep. To arrive soon after disappeared. On the other hand, a long-haired black cat, Ruga named Shulamith (a Hebrew word meaning "black, but comely") on and stay in December 1981 gave birth to a litter. There are two same kittens curled back ears.

Ruga Shulamith kitten to her sister, Esther Brimlow. Nancy Kiester, the former Australian Shepherd breeder, see the cat, and delivery Brimlow house, and fell in love with its unique ears and gentle temperament. She obtained from Brimlow two curly kittens. After reading a Scottish Fold cat breed on the article also pointed out its unique ears, it occurred to her, this maybe a new species.

Kiester contacted the Rugas and together they exhibited Shulamith and Kiester's two kittens at a show in Palm Springs, California, in October 1983. Later they met with a cat judge who bred Scottish Folds, who confirmed that the Curls were unknown in the cat fancy.

In 1986 TICA granted the Curl Championship status. Later the same year, CFF accepted the breed for experimental status and the CFA accepted the Curl for registration. In February 1991 the CFA granted the breed Provisional status. All of the associations now recognize the Curl.

Since this is a breed with a fairly small gene pool, to insure sufficient genetic diversity, out-crossing to non-pedigreed domestic cats will continue until January 1, 2010. However, this also means that conformation and personality can vary greatly from bloodline to bloodline, depending upon the cats used in the breeding program.

Copyright © 1998 by Barron's Educational Series, Inc. based on

Cat Breeds - Cat Abyssinian

Cat Breeds - Cat Abyssinian
3 Cat Abyssinian

Abyssinian Cat Personality :

Abyssinian cats are not for those who want to match the decorative rust-colored carpet, or for those who want to enjoy being picked up and hugged the cat. Brave, curious, high-spirited, restraint Abys, they tend to become struggling bundle of fur elbow than usual, but this does not mean aloof or cold Abyssinia. Although the Abyssinian will cheerfully entertain, they are happiest when you involved in all aspects of life. In particular, they take part in dinner. In fact, you'll know it's dinner is small, furry, food-seeking missiles attach themselves to your legs!

Abyssinian regularly for your entertainment antics earned them reputation of the cat kingdom clown. They tend to perch on the shoulder, crawl under the covers, car seat ring hum crazy bat virtual butterfly and flying leaps at the highest bookcase before. Natural athlete, not a closed room or cupboard from their agile paws, and asked the eyes are safe.

Abyssinian Cat Breed Traits :

Cat Abyssinian is a ticked or agouti breeding. Unique coat the hair shaft from appearance of each color combination. Is closest to the color lighter or surface of the skin, each hair shaft, dark and light stripes contrast band. Hair dry and dark corner.

Somalia, Cats Abyssinia some genetic defect, but opponents like their hair, prone to gingivitis and tooth decay. If you can brush your teeth regularly Abyssinia training and fluoride application, if regular professional dental cleaning and check the co-operation, this problem can be minimized. Abyssinian and Somali are also susceptible to amyloidosis, renal disease considered to be genetic.

Interested in the history of the Abyssinian cat breed?

Although no one knows when or where a positive first appeared Abyssinian, the best known story is that today's varieties of worship gods of ancient Egyptian temples and palaces of the physical performance of a direct descendant of the sacred cat about 4,000 years ago. Abyssinian looks very much like the Egyptian murals and sculptures depicted in the cat.

An Abyssinian named Zula was transported from Abyssinia (now Ethiopia) to England at the end of the Abyssinian War in 1868, according to Dr. Staples in his 1874 book, Cats, their points, etc., but if the cat home, the area was subject of speculation. Recent genetic studies show that today's Abyssinian is a breed in South East Asia and the Indian Ocean coast descended. Abyssinians do resemble the African wild cat (Felis silvestris lybica), the ancestor of all domestic cats.

Since there is no written evidence that Zula with today's race, keep a few breeders that the original lines died out and the Abyssinian was created by British breeders new. Undeniably, the breed established and refined by the early British breeders until the Second World War the breed seriously depleted, forcing British farmers to start over.

Two Abyssinian came to America in the early 1900s and were first issued in 1909. Active breeding Abyssinians do not begin until the 1930s, but then catch up for lost time breeders. Today the Abyssinians are second only to the Siamese in popularity among the short-haired breeds, the CFA is after registration.

Copyright © 1998 by Barron's Educational Series, Inc. based on

What Cat is ? History Cats

Cat, Felis silvestris catus, is a Carnivore. The word "cat" usually refers to "the cat" has been defused, but it can also refer to the "big cat" like a lion or a tiger.

Cats have mingled with human life as early as 6,000 years BC, the skeleton of a cat on the island of Cyprus. People of ancient Egypt from 3500 B.C. have used cats to keep mice or other rodents from the barn store yields.

White Cat
Currently, the cat is one of the most popular pets in the world. Cat's bloodline recorded officially as descendant of cats or pure strains (pure breed), such as Persians, Siamese, manx, sphinx. Cats like this are usually bred in the maintenance of the official veterinarian. The number of cat breeds is just 1% of all cats in the world, the rest is a cat with a mixed ancestry such as feral cats or cat's village.

A pet cat or kitten home is one of the greatest predators in the world. This cat can kill or eat some thousands of species — usually less than the big cats of 100. But because of its small, the cat is not so dangerous to humans — the only danger that can arise is the possibility occurrence of rabies infections caused by bites the cat and the cat's nail too cakaran was a very painful and hurtful. Cats can be fatal to an ecosystem that is not the natural place to live. In some cases, the cat plays or causes extinction. Cat ambush and paralyze prey in a way like lions and tigers — biting the neck of their prey with sharp canines that injure the spinal cord or cause prey out of breath with damage the throat.

The cat is considered tobe "perfect carnivores" with teeth and digestive tract. Teeth first molar and premolar teeth forming a pair of fangs on each side of the mouth that works effectively as a pair of scissors for ripping flesh. Although this characteristic is also present on Canidae or dogs, but this trait developed better in cat. Unlike other carnivores, cats eat hardly anything containing plants. Bears and dogs occasionally eat fruit, root, or honey as a supplement if there while the cats only eat meat, usually fresh game. In captivity, the cat can not adapted to a vegetarian diet because they cannot synthesise all amino acids they need just by eating plants; Unlike the pet dog, who often fed a mixture of meat and vegetable products and can adapt to a vegetarian diet in total.

male cat and female cat (love cat)
Despite its reputation as a reclusive animal, a cat can usually form a colony of wild but not to attack in groups like a lion. Each cat has his own (sexually active men have the largest area, being a male sterile has the smallest area) and there is always "neutral" area where the cat can keep an eye on each other or meet absence of territorial conflict or aggression. Outside these neutral areas, regular regional authorities will catch the cat, beginning with the staring, hissing, growling, and when the alien cat stay, usually there will be a short fight. Cats who are fighting to prove a body hair and Arch so that they look bigger. The attack usually consists of a slap in the face and body with the front legs are sometimes accompanied by a bite. Serious injuries due to cat fights are rare because the losing side will usually flee after suffering several wounds in the face. The men usually often involved many active fights throughout his life. This looks at the various cuts on the face, such as the nose or ears. Female cats are also sometimes involved the fight to protect his children even cats will keep up the sterile her with persistent.

View of the behavior of cats that exist today, the Wildcat is the ancestor of domesticated cats thought to have evolved in a desert climate. The cat is happy with the warm atmosphere and often sleeping under his warm sunshine. Litter is usually dry and cats prefer buried her in place of sandy. Cats can be freezing, don't move quite long especially when stalking prey or preparing to "pounce". In North Africa is still found wild cats that maybe closely related to the ancestors of today's pet cat.

Angora Cat
Because it has a close kinship with animals, desert heat and durability of the cat to chill climate subtropical area is somewhat limited. Cats are not resistant to fog, rain, and snow, although a like the Norwegian Forest Cat and Maine Coon are able to survive; and trying to keep up the normal body temperature, which is 39 ° C, in the wet. Most cats don't like soaking in water, with the exception the Turkish Van.

Pregnancy or gestation in cats ranged from 63 days. Kittens born blind and deaf. Their eyes open at the age of new 8-10 days. Kittens weaned by its mother at the age of 6-7 weeks and sexual maturity reached at age 10-15 months. Cats can contain 4 fetus at once because her womb have special forms with 4 different parts.

Types of domesticated cats :

Race Number of species of the cat race around the world very much. Each race has a special feature, but because of the frequent cross-breeding between the races, many cats are simply grouped together in a kind of long and short fur fur, depending the type of hair covering its body.

There are many sorts of cat breeds, some of them :

Some people call it Rumpy. The tail is short, light brown and lavender fur Color. It is loyal, friendly and smart.

Coon Originally from Maine, USA, and American Shorthair breeds of Angora. Its funny, shy but want to, and easy-to-familiar. His fur is thin, soft, and its color varies.

British Shorthair 
Developed in the United Kingdom. This cat is calm, gentle, warm, and smart. Color of his fur is a plain (white, black, blue, red and beige), dwiwarna, concentrated, black striped.

Burmese (Burma) 
The cat was bred by Dr. Thompson (USA) from cat Queen wong mau (Burma) and siam. The brown color, blue color more ferret, champagne, lifa, red, Brown, and blue turtles. his carefree and playful.

Chinchilla longhair 
Persian Cat's most graceful. Fathers of the United Kingdom. The race is divided into two kinds, namely chinchilla bright colors (true) and a bit dark (Silver gradations).

An assortment of colors : Cats have many colors and patterns. These features do not depend on race. Home-based cats are grouped into the following types based on his physical appearance :
  • short hairs
  • the long hairs
  • oriental (not a specific breed, all cats are slender-bodied, almond-shaped eyes, ears, and hair of subtle bodies are short) 

Gene that regulates the color and pattern on the cat's fur determines physical appearance of a cat that distinguish them into :

Telon or Calico :White with a little black or orange color patches (or blue or beige). People often refer to Japan this pattern as mi-ke. Because the gene links with gender color feathers, a variegated color Calico cats are typically female.

Tortoiseshell : Black with orange and white colors are scattered all over his body. Cats have black, bright orange, dark orange and called Calimanco or Clouded Tiger.

Tabby: striped with various patterns. The classic pattern on this cat-shaped bubbles bubbles or circle. Types of Tabby mackerel has three lines that appear on the side of his body, making this cat fish such as mackerel.

Maltese : the old name of blue cats (grey).

Bicolor (two colors) : also known as Tuxedo cat or Jellicle cat because it has a black plumage with a little white on the paws, belly, chest, and possibly also in the face.

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